
Sample Articles from Bob Wallace.

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Five years ago, before the word "cloud" had been heard in the IT industry, Cablevision's innovative plan to let consumers remotely access and store programming in servers and related gear located in the cableco's network ran into a wall with content owners citing copyright concerns with their coveted assets.

Read more: Network DVR: Cloudy with a Chance of Mass Appeal

While technology innovation has long fueled video product and service launched at the annual Consumer Electronic Show (CES), creating a solid business case for all parties determines whether these offerings shine on for years or burn brightly and quickly fade away.

Read more: Seeking a Business Case for 4K TV; CES and Far Beyond

With Amazon, UPS and FedEx in post-Christmas damage control after thousands of gifts were not delivered by the 25th, it's time for e-tailers, shippers and third parties to make a New Year's resolution to avoid a repeat going forward.

Read more: Address the Mess! Avoid the Online Christmas Shopping Fail

Cablecos have taken steps through its video-on-demand (VoD) systems to drive binge viewing of TV shows by their customers, but face challenges from OTT rivals. Netflix, which releases a full season of House of Cards at once, revealed that about half the users it studied watched an entire season in one week.

Read more: Can Cablecos, Netflix Take Binge Viewing to the Next Level?

Faced with the daunting challenge of delivering live streaming sports and other coveted content to a growing sea of wired and wireless devices, Verizon has chosen to acquire CDN EdgeCast Networks for over $350 million as the one-time telco throws its video efforts into high gear.

Read more: It’s Full Stream Ahead for Verizon’s Video Efforts with EdgeCast Addition

With holiday shopping in full swing, it's time to identify the buys and some busts in the content and consumer electronics fields. And with electronics far outselling clothing (unless you are dressing your smartphone) keep your eyes on the real prize.

Read more: A Holiday Gifts and Gags List for Video and CE Devices
