
Sample Articles from Bob Wallace.

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With store robberies of money and drugs headed skyward, forward thinking retail chains are using video camera systems in new ways to take a bite out of crime, protect employees and aid law enforcement in identifying and apprehending bad guys. Where once small cameras hid in corners of stores, occasionally not equipped with film or batteries, store owners such as CVS pharmacy chains in New England, are taking a front-and-center approach to letting everyone know they are on candid camera as they enter its stores.


Disruptive technology is not itself enough to drive a unique upstart's business plan when entrenched competitors opt to stop a threat in the courts rather than with innovation in an industry that's long struggled with meaningful change.

Such is the case with Aereo, which has survived one legal challenge, a second this week and faces a third from yet another broadcast TV station owner. Hearst in Boston, like Fox' parent News Corp., doesn't like the upstart's plan to stream their broadcast channels without paying compensation.


Though innovators in multiple markets have installed out-of-home video systems to boost sales and create new revenue streams, the fuel industry is witnessing especially fast-building competition for the promotion of products inside its full-serve-turned-self-serve mini store locations.


Reports of the demise of movie DVD rentals are more than greatly exaggerated - they're overdramatized.

Drive by a Redbox kiosk after 5pm or check the number of consumers that still subscribe to Netflix' DVD by mail service and you have strong proof that the practice of renting movies has neither died nor has it faded away.


What's good for mobile backhaul is good for the networking industry, as video viewing on a growing sea of devices, faster networks and heavier usage are driving service providers to spend more on the connections between their cell towers and landline networks.


With cuts, curtailments and pressure to limit capital spending in a tough economy, operators do have more and differing options for handling mobile backhaul. They can lease facilities from backhaul specialists, buy capacity from wholesale carriers such as XO Communications, Level 3, Zayo and CenturyLink, or they can go cap-ex and lay their own fiber between towers and their backbone landline networks.

