
Sample Articles from Bob Wallace.

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In this week's column, Bob explains how vehicles-turned-powerful Wi-Fi hotspots and advances in satellite TV gear are beginning to reshape the tailgating experience as we know it today.

Read more: Tackling Tech: Technology Drives Tailgating Skyward

It's not the ice bucket challenge, but an OTT Gatorade bath might raise awareness among cable TV providers to imminent problems, as costs continue to soar and while profit margins reach five-year highs powered by gains in broadband services (not TV).

Read more: A Big Gatorade Bath for OTT-Averse Cable Operators

In this week's column, Bob explains how the latest Apple iPhone models aim to please fans of streaming live and on-demand NFL video content.

Read more: Tackling Tech: Why NFL Video Fans are Catching 'Phablet Fever'

As the TV industry quickly approaches the fourth calendar quarter of 2014, content questions remain –and strategies appear clearer - for over-the-top (OTT) service providers and wannabes such as Sony and Dish Networks, both of whom are expected to launch their offering by yearend.

Read more: An OTT Outlook: Entering a Big Fourth Quarter

In this week's column, Bob explains how the latest version of Patriots Gameday Live app and a fortified network strive to redefine the stadium experience.

Read more: Tackling Tech: Re-defining the Fan Experience with Patriots Gameday Live

With the NFL regular season kickoff tonight, the only question that needs to be asked is: are you ready for some technology?

Read more: NFL 2014: Catch a Pass to the Technology Zone
