
Sample Articles from Bob Wallace.

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For most broadband and TV customers, rewards are what you are promised for signing up for the services, as part of shortsighted sold-and-old customer acquisition plans. Verizon is looking to make the post-sales experience rewarding as part of a new loyalty program for residential and small business users of its high-speed Internet services and FiOS TV.

Read more: Verizon Targets Customer Retention with TV & Internet Loyalty Program

Whether it was pitching perspective business customers using homemade music videos, holding a Music Meets Tech live music event at South by Southwest (SXSW) in weird Austin, TX, or creating a summer geek camp at its headquarters, there's no madness to Dyn Inc.'s innovative marketing methods.

Read more: Dyn Lets the Music (and Video) do the Talking for its Products

Video content-driven businesses who fail to maximize the use of their assets and reach new audiences are doomed to repeat the devastating mistakes of others and assure themselves a spot in what will likely someday be the Smithsonian Institute's technology museum.

Read more: How Cinemas Expanded Beyond Movies to Survive & Evolve

Facebook's still-evolving plan to broadly sell businesses video ads that appears in users' news feeds as a new way to engage potential customers offers a potential powerful new opportunity to marketers – one that requires a thorough and ongoing evaluation by interested parties.

Read more: Evaluating the Facebook Video Ad Opportunity

Lawyer jokes aside, to survive and thrive in the ever changing TV world, you'd better have top-shelf counsel on hand and current as there's nothing funny about litigation, laws and decisions that could freeze or kill your business and technology plans, products, services, patents and mergers.

Read more: Legal Eagles and “Court TV”: Aereo, Comcast, DISH-ABC & Blackout Rules

The DISH Network plan to launch an affordable OTT service with a blend of kids, broadcast network and especially live sports content likely signals the beginning of the end for pay-TV subscribers awaiting a streaming alternative to corded cable with major live and regional sports programming.

Read more: DISHing Out OTT – TV, Movies and (finally) Live Sports
